What about my Credit Record

You are a Bad Debtor! Accept that you are a bad debtor (along with 12 million other consumers out of 18 million under the Debt-Interest Money System) which you are not responsible for! Your obligation to save for the dark days ahead aside, you can’t pay B-Creditors more than you can afford having regard to your Monthly Income & Expenditure / Assets & Liability. Don’t worry about how much you owe or your credit record – much bigger things are happening. How much you can afford to pay -ie – nil – after paying your Monthly Necessary Expenses including provision for savings for Future Monthly Necessary Expenses  is the important thing!

Nobody wants to lend you money with your existing bad payment record anyway!

Do you want to borrow in future? Do you want more of the same medicine that you are receiving now? There won’t be enough money to pay any debts when the point of no return – all repayments = interest – is reached!