Debt Management is not Debt Review / Debt Counselling.
Debt Management is:
- the self-management of your debts under our supervision / guidance / direction;
- the division of your debts into A-Creditors & B-Creditors – you determine which creditors you need to pay (A-Creditors) and which you can no longer afford (B-Creditors). and
- the non-payment of B-Creditors under Informal Debt Repayments Arrangements in order to obtain certain Legal Benefits under Formal B-Creditor Collection Proceedings such as:
- Automatic 100% Limit on your Debt including Interest & Collection Costs;
- Outstanding Debt Written Off as Bad Debt by B-Creditors;
- Formal Debt Repayment Arrangements according to what you can Afford;
- Savings for Future Monthly Necessary Expenses;
- Formal Debt Records;
- The protection of your income for your A-Expenses;
- The payment out of your income in Order of Priority;
- The protection of your A-Creditors
- The defence in Court on a one by one case basis of all Formal B-Creditor Collection Proceedings until, if possible, you appear in the Section 65 (Debtor’s) Court on the basis of your inability to pay / reduce your B-Creditors in full at once as claimed.
- saving the money you would have been futilely paying these B-Creditors trying to settle / reduce them.
Debt Management’s Advice Arrears.
- Insolvency; and
- Debt Review / Counselling; and
- Administration Orders; and
- Informal B-Creditor Debt Repayments / Informal B-Creditor Debt Repayment Arrangements / Voluntary Distribution / Debt Consolidation / Debt Restructure (Debt Slavery!); and
- Section 65 (Debtor’s) Financial Enquiry; and
- Creditor Referral; and
- Informal Creditor Contact; and
- Formal Creditor Collection Proceedings; and
- Informal Creditor Collection Proceedings; and
- Creditor Contact Rules; and
- S129 letters of demand; and
- Reckless Lending;
- Prescription of Debt;
- Summonses; and
- Interpleader Summonses; and
- Applications; and
- Garnishee (Salary Deduction) Orders; and
- Default Judgments; and
- Summary Judgments; and
- National Credit Regulator Complaints; and
- Sheriffs; and
- Credit Records; and
- Defended cases; and
- Section 65 (Debtor’s) Financial Enquiries; and
- Warrants of Execution; and
- Sales in Execution;
- Warrants of Arrest;
- Vehicle and other Movable Property Protection; and
- Immovable Property Protection; and
- Donations; and
- Trusts; and
- DIY Debt Defences; and
- Bank Account Protection.